Greenbay at Meru Betiri National Park |
The Journey Begins
"Why is the name Greenbay?" I asked myself. So I searched everything about it on the internet and saw some pictures of it. Now I see why, the water looks green, as simple as that. It is a beach located at Banyuwangi south coast apart of Meru Betiri National Park. I have been wanting to go there for the past 2 years. I didn't get a chance until I saw a cheap open trip to Greenbay on Instagram last March 2017. The second I get the information, Me and my friend booked the trip right away. It was only for IDR 250K, and there wasn't a better deal than that.
I, actually, wasn't so sure if the trip is for real. It might be a scam, some people just post an open trip and gain money out of it, but then, the trip never happen. Thanks God it was real, I met the tour guide-supposedly, right after I arrived in the meeting point. Few other participants were also there waiting for the minibus to depart. Once everyone is at the meeting point, we started our journey.
Despite of 5 hours drive from Surabaya to Banyuwangi Regency, it took only 4 hours to get there. The driver drove the car quite a speed. It was one hour before we reach the Meru Betiri National Park, we stopped by at small Musholla- a muslim praying building. Which is actually apart of some Islamic Saint tomb. Everyone get down to perform Subuh prayer. We were at Mount Gumitir, area with dangerously meandered roads.
Meru Betiri National Park
The sun had emerged in the east when we arrived at Meru Betiri National Park. All I could see was nothing but a dense jungle on both sides of the road. The road itself seem to be far away from the word maintenance. It used to be covered with asphalt in, I don't know, decades ago. Only a few kilometers, a village is seen. It is the Pesanggrahan Village, part of our destination. I asked the driver, how could a village established in the middle of a National Park. He replied to me, the village was there long before the jungle bear National Park status. It does make sense.
Rajegwesi Beach, starting point before Greenbay |
Scenery at Rajegwesi |
Small Cliff going to Greenbay |
The Rajegwesi Beach, Where it all Starts
Not far from our parking point, a beach in brown volcano sand appeared, decorated with many multicolored small fisherman's boats. I couldn't wait for the rest of us to get to the beach, so I went alone to get a picture of my own at the Rajegwesi Beach. "Rajeg" means fences and "wesi" means steel, so it is literally mean a fence made of steel. The local said that long ago, during the Japanese occupation, the Japanese troops set a serial fence made of huge steel bars in the middle of the sea not far from the beach. It purpose is for defense against the enemy's attack from the sea.
A Perfect Escape in Greenbay
After a stomach filling breakfast, we departed on one of the fisherman's boat. It took about 20 to 30 minutes to get to Greenbay. The surrounding area is eyes spoiling, there is a cliff bordered with the sea about 15 to 20 meters high with dense green lush on the top of it. "It is green" I told to myself, as I saw the beach from far view. The closer we get, the more beautiful the beach to be. A perfect combination of white sand and crystal clear water, with dense trees as the background and rocky shores on both edges. The most beautiful beach, on the East Java south coast, so far.
Me arriving at Greenbay |
Me |
Boat arriving at Greenbay |
My heart couldn't stop pounding, all I want to do is to jump of the boat and swimming around, and I did. Fortunately, there were no crowd at the time. So the scene is just perfect for pictures. I remember the Maya Bay beach in Phi phi Island, Krabi, Thailand. Only less people, and minus the high limestone cliffs as background, though the water is clearer here.
My beloved underwater camera has become a truly best friend for the moment. Though they might not be the best pictures in photography, it captured the best moments I have, and it is all I ever wanted. The white sand is so smooth, and the water is so green. Luckily the sun shine brightly, what of the beach without sunshine right? But wait, I don't see any Bules here. I think this place is out of their knowledge, which is good. Once a Bule (Caucasian tourist) step foot on the beach, the rest will just follow in short time. And they will be all over the beach. I'm not against Bules, only that this beach will look better with less people.
West corner at Greenbay |
Rocky corner at Greenbay |
Catching the wave at Greenbay |
I went around from one corner to another, searching for the best angle taking the beach photos. At the west corner we can see piles of big rocks with trees on top of it decorating the scene. And not far from that point, there is a sign written Welcome to Greenbay, famous spot to take picture with. I sat on the small underwater rocks and enjoy the scenes in meditation position. Trying to absorb the nature's energy. It keeps failing, coz the scene is just too tempt for another more pictures.
So I decided to go in the middle of the beach catching the waves. There's nothing I could get over here but enjoyment. The excitement has reached the peak in my head. I feel like I'm already in paradise, without being death. Every corner of Greenbay is beautiful to me. No words can truly express this Eden on earth.
The rest of the activity was to swim around and taking more pictures. I forgot to mention that there is a small waterfall on the east corner of the beach. It usually used by visitors to wash themselves with fresh water from the waterfall. I did it too, then just sitting around watching people enjoying the beach. It is noon and more people are coming. I talked to the seem to be local baywatch, he said that the average visitors in a day can reach 50 to 60 people, and it will be doubled during the weekends. Moreover, during public holidays, more people will come and they usually set a camp here. I said "Wow, maybe I should do the same".
My tour guide has been calling us to get on the boat. It is time to go back now. We still have another destination to visit as part of the tour package. At first, I didn't wanna go coz it's hard for me to leave the place. I wanna stay longer here and enjoy the beach for more. At the end, if I'm not coming to the boat, how will I get home later. So we departed with the same boat taking us to the beach earlier. I said goodbye to this beautiful beach by heart. I promise that I will come again later and stay longer.
Man walking on the beach at Greenbay |
White Sand at Greenbay |
Greenbay a.k.a Teluk Hijau |
Tiny wave at Greenbay |
Greenbay, Pesanggrahan Village, Banyuwangi |
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