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A Nearly Late Train
A phone call recieved that afternoon, it was from Sister Fanty. A surprised call I would say, I haven't had any contact to anybody from the company I just recently resigned, and yeah, I owe her some money that I couldn't pay to that particular day. What I thought to be a debt collecting call, which of course not her typical at all, turned out to be a call of trip invitation. Guess what? It's Jogjakarta, one of my favourite destination, and I just said "yes". Like the "yes" answer in a marriage proposal.
I prepared the trip itenerary like she asked, but many optionals for them to choose. It's open discussion kinda itenerary. As I put ancient ruin in my Itenerary, a senior trip participant- the sponsor- said why would we go to piles of scattered stone? I got mad to what he said, it's like he doesn't value our ancestors heritage by saying "a plies of scattered stone" to this ancient ruin. But anyway, He is the boss, what can I say?
So the day came, it was 8th of December 2017. We had to catch the afternoon train. The road is usually full of vehicles on that particular time, plus it was going to be a long weekend a head. I got my uber car at exactly one hour before the train schedule. Just as I thought, a traffic jam held us. I got stucked in traffic just around 1 km to the train station. And so was Sister Fanty. We talked on the phone, and She said She was nearby too. We agreed to walk!
I got out of the car, it was 20 minutes to the train departure. So I walked fast. Just when I got close to the train station, I heard somebody called me. She was too walk. So we ran to the train station. Luckily, few minutes left before the train departure. Only that, I didn't see other trip participant there. We were so worry about them being late.
Just 5 minutes before the train departure, they ran toward us, five of them. This means only one person left, Mas Andy!! The sponsor. We hurrying to get in to the train. The train is about to move and He isn't there. WTF!! Then I saw Him running exactly when the wistle sign rang.
A Back Up Plan, Me
As we started our journey, I sat with Mbak Fanty. She is like a sister to me. And I was playing a role as assistant to her. Yeah, whatever it benefits me, I take it.
I just knew that the name on the ticket wasn't mine. It was someone else whom supposed to joint the trip, yet He cancelled it in last minute. So I said to her. "It seems like I was only a back up plan, yes?" In a dissapointing tone. "It doesn't matter" She said. "As long as you are the one who get the trip" She added. "It's true" I said to myself. Despite being a back up plan. I earned all the benefits.
The Horror Night
I got to share a room with the sponsor, mas Andy. I told him to be patient, if not, maybe it is better to get another room. I have a severe snoaring problem while sleeping, and also a sleep apnea. It is a condition when in the middle of snoaring, a person will stop breathing for a moment, literally. Some say that I got it really bad.
In the car during the trip in the next morning, mas Andy told us that he couldn't sleep well last night. "It was a horror night" he said. I snoared too loud so that he couldn't get a good sleep. The sound was like a person sawing a wood. "I tried to cover my ears with pillow, but it didn't work" he said again. Well, I'm sorry man, I told you right!
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