Thursday, September 4, 2014


The Beginning

Initial Crew of Waroeng Seni Coffeeshop, four from the left below

Coffeeshop Proposal

It was raining hard that night, cold wet and windy. The leafs from the surrounding trees started to fly around and sometimes, it get my body. Everything got cold, the air, the chair I sat in, my body, even the yellow steel fence of the place I live in got cold. But it didn't stop us discussing the new coffeeshop we're planning to open. It was the end of February 2013.

I knew Achox from the condom brand event I was accidentally invited by a friend in a cafe at the nearby mall, Sutos. He was the Event Organizer, I think. As the MC asked a question, I, with the help of the condom company manager, managed to answer correctly and earn a hotel voucher. Achox was the one whom responsible to hand it over days later. Well, His face was pretty familiar both to me and my friend.

He was the one whom dragged me to join another event called Surabaya Membara, the first episode. A colossal drama played by hundreds of men and women in commemorating the Battle of Surabaya. A good yet energy draining event. Through this event I got to know people from Surabaya, people whom I thought will benefit me as I was starting my business, but I was wrong. At least some of them became my best friend.

Achox convinced me that we could built a business together. He was the one going to arrange the musical part, and I sell coffee, as simple as that. I agreed, so we decided to do the launching of our coffeeshop on 3rd of March 2013. There was no written agreement to that point. I, with the help of my other two friends, will provide place and do the coffee and food selling, though his wife also selling some product of their own. He does the live music to draw customers. I was so excited at that time. We named the coffeeshop "Waroeng Seni".

Traditional music instrument

The Preceding Business

I had just resigned from my first company I worked in, Muamalat Bank, on September 2012. The reason I did that was to establish business of my own. I got inspired too by one of my banking customer whom was at the same age, yet she own a growing business. So it happened in a blink of an eye.

I decided to sell Juices, and named in Mr.Fritz Juice. The business was to deliver healthy and delicious juices to offices, and yes, Muamalat employees were my first customers. At the end of 2013, two of my High School friends came to join me selling the juice. They said that they were off doing college for a certain time.

Surprisingly, the customers grew bigger than expected. We started to sell juices to some other offices, well mostly they were banking employees around Surabaya. It run for about two months. I heard they were talking to each other, they said that they wanted to open a coffeeshop of their own. The concept was to sell coffee of cafe's quality in an affordable price. They called it Manual Brew coffee. I had no idea of what they were telling me about. But I grasped the big idea, I told them not to find other place to open the coffeeshop. Because it is already available here. So everything was set and we are ready to start our new business.

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